Travel, Networking, Business Engagement, Party or Dress to Impress; Don’t forget to spruce up your looks and feel great about yourself – Roses fashion forward forecast for a woman who decides that her time is as important is her appearance.
What Comes Around Goes Around, gunmetal gray, black leather, cut out, torn, ripped, diagonal, basic, teal, dark blue, gray blue, the white T shirt is back, the slip is back, cinnamon, Carmel, tan, green-blue- purple all together in solids with pima soft and firm stretch material, animal natural organic prints, my personal favorite ; brown and black together in soft lines plaid high wasted pants, seamed nylons and stockings. Flannel, sharp lines and soft lines.
Pinks have never been more satisfying and don’t forget your eyes with Lip Ink Eye Shadow, Lip Ink Eye Liner, & Lip Ink Miracle Brow Liner.

Rose Nichols, Inventor, Alchemist, Pioneer President and CEO of LIP-INK® INTERNATIONAL.