The 5 Most Common Edible Weeds In Your State
This is a field guide to the most common plants found throughout the United States. When traveling outside of the southwest I often found myself lost when it came to what plants I could seek to use in a given territory. This list is based on my research documenting where useful plants are found in the United States, based on the USDA Flora Database.
Once the five most common plants per state were identified I studied many sources, both native and academic, to document how people can use these plants. Sources often refer to plant edibility or medicinal values, yet neglect to specify what parts of the plant to use and recommended preparation methods. Find out here exactly how you can use them.
#1. Alabama
- Blackberry
- Wild Carrot
- Oxalis
- Muscadine
- Persimmon
#2. Alaska
- Beach Greens
- Beach Lovage
- Chickweed
- Dandelion
- Fiddlehead Fern
#3. Arizona
- Hedgehog Cactus
- Saguaro
- Cholla
- Prickly Pear
- Barrel Cactus
#4. Arkansas
- Cattail
- Chicory
- Curled Dock
- Asparagus
- Amaranth
#5. California
- Fireweed
- Wood Sorrel
- Dandelion
- Bull Thistle
- Curly Dock
- Wild Onion
- Stonecrop
- Candytuft
- Bistort
- Yucca buds
- Violets
- Lesser Celandine
- Primrose
- Field Garlic
- Lungwort
#8. Delaware
- Wild Mustards
- Cicely Root
- Bittercress
- Stinging Nettle
- Fiddleheads
- Sea Grape
- Dewberry
- Purslane
- Jerusalem Artichoke
- Dogwood
#10. Georgia
- Eastern Persimmon
- Chinquapin
- White Bergamot
- Pecan
- Maypop
#11. Hawaii
- Kukui
- Breadfruit
- Seagrape
- Chinese Hibiscus
- Noni
#12. Idaho
- Thimbleberries
- Serviceberries
- Camas
- Fireweed Jelly
- Stinging Nettle
#13. Illinois
- Acorn
- Plantains
- Poke
- Morels
- Chantarelles
#14. Indiana
- Kudzu
- Lamb’s Quarters
- Pine
- Prickly Pear
- Cactus
#15. Iowa
- Coltsfoot
- Clovers
- Hazelnuts
- Pecans
- Daylily
#16. Kansas
- Wood Sorrel
- Wild Mustard
- Sheep Sorrel
- Purslane
- Yellow Rocket
#17. Kentucky
- Wild Grape Vine
- Common Mullein
- Prickly Pear Cactus
- Milk Thistle
- Pineapple Weed
#18. Louisiana
- Mallow
- Wild Bee Balm
- Sweet Rocket
- Field Pennycress
- Miner’s Lettuce
#19. Maine
- Common Mallow
- Shepherd’s Purse
- Self-Heal
- Monkey Flower
- Fireweed
#20. Maryland
- Pigweed
- Joe Pye Weed
- Goosetongue
- Lamb’s Quarters
- Watercress
#21. Massachusetts
- Wild Garlic
- Plantain
- Herb Robert
- Hop Clover
- Chickweed
#22. Michigan
- Garlic Mustard
- Cattail
- Coltsfoot
- Clovers
- Hazelnuts
#23. Minnesota
- Pecans
- Daylily
- Fireweed
- Dandelion
- Chickweed
#24. Mississippi
- Curly Dock
- Asparagus
- Chicory
- Wood Sorrel
- Bull Thistle
#25. Missouri
- Alfalfa
- Broadleaf Plantain
- Creeping Charlie
- Forget Me Not
- Garlic Mustard
#26. Montana
- Wild Black Cherry
- Harebell
- Elderberry
- Field Pennycress
- Coneflower
#27. Nebraska
- Kudzu
- Meadowsweet
- Mallow
- Peppergrass
- Pineapple Weed
#28. Nevada
- Pickerelweed
- Mullein
- Red Clover
- Partridgeberry
- Sheep Sorrel
#29. New Hampshire
- Shepherd’s Purse
- Sunflower
- Spring Beauty
- Tea Plant
- Toothwort
#30. New Jersey
- Teasel
- Wild Grape Vine
- Wild Bee Balm
- Vervain Mallow
- Prickly Pear Cactus
#31. New Mexico
- Herb Robert
- Mayapple
- Joe Pye Weed
- Knapweed
- Wild Leek
#32. New York
- Cleavers
- Cattail
- Blue Vervain
- Common Yarrow
- Common Sow Thistle
#33. North Carolina
- Coltsfoot
- Fern Leaf Yarrow
- Henbit
- Crimson Clover
- Evening Primrose
#34. North Dakota
- Downy Yellow Violet
- Daisy Fleabane
- Japanese Knotweed
- Milk Thistle
- Lambs Quarters
#35. Ohio
- Queen Anne’s Lace
- Purple Deadnettle
- New England Aster
- Supplejack Vine
- Amaranth
#36. Oklahoma
- American Black Currant
- Anise Hyssop
- Apple Mint
- Bee Balm
- Blackberry
#37. Oregon
- Black Raspberry
- Blueberry Highbush
- Breadseed Poppy
- Broad Leaf Dock
- Burdock
#38. Pennsylvania
- Chickweed
- Comfrey
- Dame’s Rocket
- Dandelion
- Dayflower
#39. Rhode Island
- Day Lily
- Egyptian Onion
- Elderberry
- European Black Currant
- Field Garlic
#40. South Carolina
- Garlic Mustard
- Gill-Over-The-Ground
- Gooseberry
- Hollyhock Mallow
- Jerusalem Artichoke
#41. South Dakota
- Lamb’s Quarter
- Lemon Balm
- Mallow
- Musk Mallow
- Nettle
#42. Tennessee
- Peppermint
- Purple Dead Nettle
- Purslane
- Red Clover
- Red Currant
#43. Texas
- Red Raspberry
- Rose
- Schizandra
- Sheep Sorrel
- Shirley Poppy
#44. Utah
- Star Chickweed
- Sweet Cicely
- Violet
- Wild Bergamot
- Wild Grape
#45. Vermont
- Wild Lettuce
- Wood Sorrel
- Yellow Dock
- Spearmint
- Chicory
#46. Virginia
- Curly Dock
- Daylily
- Elderberry
- Fireweed
- Japanese Knotweed
#47. Washington
- Meadowsweet
- Milkweed
- Mullein
- Queen Anne’s Lace
- Yarrow
#48. West Virginia
- Balsam Fir
- Blue Aster
- Bracken Fern
- Oak (Acorns)
- Pine
- White Birch
#49. Wisconsin
- Wood Sorrel
- Arrowhead/Wapato
- Bullrushes
- Bur-Reed
- Cattail
#50. Wyoming
- False Solomn’s Seal
- Weeping Willow
- Wild Rice
- Amaranth
- Blackberries