Lip Ink® International “Natural, Organic, Botanical, Kosher, Vegan, Guaranteed Smear proof Cosmetic color for Lips, Eyes, Face Brows & Lashes.
We are part of the community that supports LOHAS “ lifestyles of health and sustainability Giving women over 2 million cosmetic colors to support any lifestyle and ethnicity ,
From raw street scenes to high fashion runways, we cover all the colors you ever wanted.
3 prevalent strategies to create that streak of awareness amongst its customers and potential customers. Lifestyle, Health and Sustainability.
Lip Ink® International was founded in 1995 and has established itself to provide a healthy alternative to old fashioned wax based lipstick and long lasting lipstick/lpcolor. Its concept, unique design and simple application far surpass any other color cosmetics available today. Giving you Guaranteed Smear proof livable and enjoyable color cosmetics and yes you can even wear your lip brow and eye color to bed and sleep with them on with white sheets. Rose Nichols the President /CEO chemist & Alchemist created and patented this unique line of botanical cosmetic color to give woman the ability to live and enjoy their lives and have one less thing to stress over. Lip Ink cosmetic color is there to support you all day long. Our established color pallet follows the color wheel and our liquid color layers to give you any color you can imagine. Our chic looking products are one of the kind and depict a very gentle yet firm, loving yet stylish outlook that will create a sense of freedom never experienced, unless you have tried Lip Ink® cosmetic color.
The subtle gentle feel of the products has over the years sent a great deal of comfort to women who yearn to take the stride of fashion and fun to the next level. Looking chic and beautiful and enjoying your cosmetics, marks another stepping stone for women of all races and cultures to be able to be on par with the ever-competitive world.
Lip Ink® cosmetics are a true representation of the cosmetic color woman should wear to feel empowered and to distinguish herself , standing tall and proud in the crowd and being applauded for her charisma and style
Rose Nichols
President and CEO
Lip-Ink® International 105 Eucalyptus Dr. El Segundo, CA 90245 Phone 310/414-9246 fax 310/414-9233
The Worlds Only Wax-Free Patented LIP-INK ® Semi Permanent cosmetics® Sustainable lifestyle conscious color cosmetics made from Green Chemistry. Multi patented, wax free, kosher, Vegan, Botanical Organic Color Technology, that we brought back from the future for an ECO friendly world. Ask me how we can make over 1 million colors and keep your lips tingly fresh with maximum hydration and sun protection, Guaranteed smearproof and long lasting waterproof color for lips, eyes, brows, lashes, and face all from the same award winning technology self manufactured in the USA. All build on a 3 product ECO system consisting of water " Conditioning OFF Remover", oil "Lip moisturizer with maximum hydration and sun protection", Botanicals "Guaranteed Smearproof Color"