The top image has both products combined
Bottom left image has the smearproof color only.
Bottom right image has the moisturizer only with glitter.
Matching set - Get some Cool California sunshine, no matter where you live with our newest smear proof duo lip color set, celebrating the end of summer, as we move into Autumn. Experience the look of cool California sunshine with our LIP INK® Limited Edition kit while they last! Only $45 plus free domestic shipping!
CALI COOL TAN - Lip Ink® Liquid Smear proof lip color brings you a soft golden butterscotch warm look that you can take past summer into Autumn.
CALI COOL TAN - Lip Ink® Lip Shine Moisturizer, enters a new world with a pinch of cinnamon flavor and a slight plump to the lips with our warmest golden highlights in a soft butterscotch pudding color that will satisfy even the most skeptic, when it comes to wearing lip moisturizer on the lips.
#makeup #organic #crueltyfree #lipstick #lips #smearproof #cosmetics
Matching set - Get some Cool California sunshine, no matter where you live with our newest smear proof duo lip color set, celebrating the end of summer, as we move into Autumn. Experience the look of cool California sunshine with our LIP INK® Limited Edition kit while they last! Only $45 plus free domestic shipping!
CALI COOL TAN - Lip Ink® Liquid Smear proof lip color brings you a soft golden butterscotch warm look that you can take past summer into Autumn.
CALI COOL TAN - Lip Ink® Lip Shine Moisturizer, enters a new world with a pinch of cinnamon flavor and a slight plump to the lips with our warmest golden highlights in a soft butterscotch pudding color that will satisfy even the most skeptic, when it comes to wearing lip moisturizer on the lips.
#makeup #organic #crueltyfree #lipstick #lips #smearproof #cosmetics

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