Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Lost Knowledge DIY Electroculture Videos for Your Garden

Lost Knowledge DIY Electroculture Videos for Your Garden

Sunday, May 21, 2023 12:48

This knowledge is not shared because there is no profit for the large corporations when these techniques are applied.

Ecclesiastes 7:12
“For wisdom is a defence, and money is a defence: but the excellency of knowledge is, that wisdom giveth life to them that have it.”

Electroculture Gardening Techniques for Beginners – Elevate your garden

Cultivate Elevate on Oct 1st 2022

What is Electroculture?

Electroculture is the an ancient practice of increasing yields utilizing certain materials to harvest the earth’s atmospheric energy. This was presented in 1749 by Abbe Nollett, in the 1920s by Justin Christofleau, and 1940s by Viktor Schauberger. This energy is always present and all around us also known as Chi, Prana, Life force, and Aether.

When using electroculture there is no need for the use of pesticides, manure, or fertilizersThis is primarily why this information was suppressed. All you need is the sun, the clouds, the rain, the nitrogen in the air, and the ability to harness atmospheric energy. These atmospheric antennas can be created from materials such as wood, copper, zinc, and brass. When adding these atmospheric antennas to your garden, soil, or farm they will amplify your yields, combat frost and excessive heat, reduce irrigation, reduce pests, and increase the magnetism of your soil leading to more nutrients in the long run.

How do I make an electroculture antenna?

Atmospheric antennas can be made out of wood dowels found at Home Depot, Lowes, or a local piece of wood from your backyard. The taller you make the antenna the larger your plants will grow. Justin Christofleua recommended 20 feet+, but any height will do. You can wrap the wood dowel or local wood with copper & zinc wiring making a fibonacci spiral or vortex up in the air facing Magnetic North. The combination of zinc and copper can work like a battery when the sun hits the the antenna. You will then place this antenna about 6-8 inches into your soil and let Mother Nature do the magic. Get creative, try different designs, and you will see the true potential of electroculture.

How does the electroculture antenna work?

The antenna harvests the energy of the earth through the series of vibration and frequency.which occur. An example are the rain, wind,and temperature fluctuations. These antennas lead to stronger plants, more moisture for the soil, and reduced pest infestations. This is one of the many reasons we have not been taught about this ancient practice.

Can I just use a copper pipe instead of making an antenna?

You can use a copper pipe, but the best results coming from copper coils. The copper coil harness the flow of energy.

Does electroculture work on indoor plants or potted plants?

Electroculture works wonderfully on indoor plants! A simple chopstick can be used to create your indoor antenna.

Instead of creating an electroculture antenna can I just wrap my plants in copper?

The issue with wrapping plants in copper is not all plants enjoy being entangled. It is best to make a simple antenna and place it near the plants you want to help. 

How tall should the electroculture antenna be?

You can make your atmospheric antennas as tall as you like. On average the best antennas are 6 feet+ to gather more atmospheric energy. 

How much square footage does an electroculture antenna cover?

On average, one 6 foot antenna can cover about about 225 sqft. 

Which direction should I make my electroculture antenna?

If you live in the Northern hemisphere you can wind your antenna clockwise.

If you live in the Southern hemisphere you can wind your antenna Counter-Clockwise.

Where can I find copper wire for electroculture?

You can find copper wire at any hardware store. 

Does the copper thickness matter for electroculture?

Any thickness of copper wiring will work, but if you would like you can always use a heavier gauge.

Copper Gardening tools versus Iron Gardening tools: What we were never told

When Victor schauburger was studying agriculture he noticed Copper/Brass/bronze tools would not impact the magnetism of the soil like those made of Iron. Iron tools decreased the magnetism of the soil, made the farmers work harder, and caused drought like conditions.

While on the other hand copper/brass/bronze tools did not alter the magnetism of the soil, lead to high quality soil, and required less work when used.

When Victor showed this to the local council they said his work would impact their profits on the fertilizer they are promoting. They decided to petition against him with the help of the local media to inform farmers they would yield too much food and it would lead to less money in their pocket. The farmers went against Victor’s work and this knowledge was lost in the 1950s.

It is also noted that slugs only come around when high amounts of iron are present in the soil to clean up the mess their antennas are picking up. When using copper tools or atmospheric antennas the slugs disappear.

Some interesting findings of Justin Christofleua* on electroculture plant growth:

  • In fields in which were not manured or irrigated Oats grew upwards to 7 feet+
  • Potatoes grown in the same condition 6 feet 3inches high, carrying 30 to 35 tubers, and weighed 1 to 2 pounds per potato.
  • Grape vineyards impacted by Phlyloxera were healed and rejuvenated. The grapes ended up sweeter and had a much richer flavor.
  • Carrots grew to the lengths of 19 inches, beetroots to 18inches, and nearly 17 inches in circumference.
  • An old pear tree which had hardly any bark left was fully rejuvenated by electroculture and started producing pears of up to 1 pound each.

*All without the use of manure, pesticides, or fertilizer just the atmospheric energy, magnetism and telluric currents of the earth. A simple solution to solving the shortages we are all facing.

Proverbs 18:15 - The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge.

Proverbs 1:7 - The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.

In this ever changing world our health is the most important thing which we still have control over. Being pro-active on your health is just smart.

Humic Fulvic Acid has taken the health supplement market by storm.

But why is Humic Fulvic Acid so sought after? 

Science cannot create fulvic acid

Fulvic acid offers a seemingly endless spectrum of benefits for human and animal health that would make any pharmaceutical company nervous. Fulvic acid cannot be made by man because it involves photosynthesis and humification.

The process which creates fulvic acid requires nature’s recyclers, microorganisms, working in fertile, rich soil over a long period of time. Microbes decompose organic material (manure, compost, decaying plant material), in the soil to create nutrients for the plant including trace minerals, carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium (link is external).

Microbes make the minerals in the soil into a useful form for plants and over time the microbes help create an amazing substance called humus (hyoo-muh s).

“Essentially, all life depends upon the soil … there can be no life without soil and no soil without life”

~ Charles E. Kellogg, head of the Soil Survey in the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for 37 years (1934-1971)

We never had to worry about getting enough Fulvic acid, it simply existed in our soil and in our food, since time began. Fertile soil, and the microbial life within it, is a highly valuable natural resource critical for food security and for human health. Fertile soil is teaming with microbial life (it is interesting to note there are more bacteria in two spoonfuls of rich, fertile soil than there are humans on planet earth).

Sustainable farming practices that add compost and organic compounds to the soil help create a robust microbial community. Microbes are required for the cycle of life. They work to break down plant and animal matter, and over hundreds and thousands of years, fulvic acid is one of the end products of decomposition.

Common agricultural practices cause the loss of Fulvic acid in food and the progressive deterioration of human health

Over the past 50 to 100 years, farming practices that sustained humans for thousands of years have drastically changed. Chemical fertilizers, herbicides (link is external) and pesticides (link is external) were created to increase crop yield, kill insects and control weeds.

Modern agricultural practices increase the amount of food produced but the toll this has taken on soil microbes, plant nutrients and human and animal health is underappreciated.

While attempting to kill the pests and weeds and bolster plant production, the chemicals used in agriculture have inadvertently attacked friendly troops in the soil jungle.

The price of growing food this way is dramatically altering the natural recycling process required in nature, and the downstream effects on human health are mounting.

Fulvic acid may seem like “just another nutrient” that is declining in food, but it is actually the most important health-building compound because it is nature’s intended vehicle for transporting minerals and other nutrients into living cells.

Fulvic acid is nature’s answer to depleted food and too many toxins

Fulvic acid and humic acid are the key substances found in humus, the end result of the humification process where microbes in the soil break down once living matter, usually plants. It is believed that most of the health benefits attributed to Shilajit and humic substances are primarily due to the presence of fulvic acid.

Fulvic acid is a very small molecule of low molecular weight. It is smaller than humic acid and penetrates the cell membrane and even the mitochondria. Because fulvic acid bonds easily to nutrients like vitamins and minerals, it efficiently delivers nutrients where they are needed. Without fulvic acid our bodies’ ability to absorb nutrients (from food or supplementation) is diminished.

Fulvic acid’s small molecular weight coupled with the fact it is water soluble at all pH levels, makes it superior for working in the body to:

  • deliver nutrients
  • bring antioxidant benefits
  • remove cellular waste products and toxins [xliii]

“You can trace every sickness, every disease and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.”

~ Dr. Linus Pauling, awarded two Nobel Prizes

It is well known that minerals are required for a range of biochemical processes, but mineral deficiencies are epidemic. Our food lacks the vitamin and mineral content that it should have and most supplements do not absorb well enough to correct mineral deficiencies. The fulvic acid complex contains bioavailable minerals and trace elements that are desperately needed to combat widespread mineral deficiency in humans.

Fulvic acid is nature’s answer to the problem that man has created with over-farming and the production of processed foods.

Fulvic acid is a magical vehicle with 60 seats

The main components of Fulvic acid are carbon, hydrogen and oxygen. These molecules in fulvic acid easily bond to other molecules and transport them through the body. It can possess over 70 trace elements, electrolytes, polyphenols (link is external), flavonoids, and essential amino acids.

Naturopathic physician, Dr. Daniel Nuzum, has been studying fulvic acid since 1998. He has used fulvic acid supplements with thousands of patients, and he researches and teaches extensively about fulvic acid. Very few doctors can make this claim, and have little to no experience with fulvic acid. Dr. Nuzum is an expert and he is able to communicate a difficult concept in a way which is easy to understand. “Fulvic acts like the FedEx truck and the garbage truck,” Dr. Nuzum explained. “It delivers nutrition into the cell and carries the trash (toxins & waste) out too!”

Fulvic acid has 60 receptor sites and because it is a carbon-based compound, it bonds easily to nutrients. Dr. Nuzum likens fulvic acid to a 60-passenger bus carrying nutrients in each of the 60 seats. The fulvic acid bus travels along to cells needing a nutrient package delivered. When it drops off the nutrient package, a seat is empty on the fulvic acid bus, so it picks up cellular waste and toxins, like the garbage man, and removes them from your system.

The missing puzzle piece

Many people are feeling the effects of low nutrient absorption, even in the presence of a good diet with regular intake of supplemental vitamins and minerals. This information about fulvic acid is the missing puzzle piece for many people seeking health. Whether you are fighting an infection, rebuilding health, or desire anti-aging strategies, add fulvic acid daily to help your body absorb and use needed nutrients. Take advantage of this powerful electrolyte and antioxidant.

It is Fulvic Acid that carries these minerals into the cells and additionally makes the cells more permeable allowing these minerals to penetrate into the cells where they are utilised for a multitude of processes.

Minerals are very important. Dr Linus Pauling, winner of two Nobel Prizes stated:

You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment, ultimately to a mineral deficiency“.

In addition to enhancing the absorption of vitamins and minerals in our body, Fulvic Acid acts as a catalyst. A catalyst is a compound that facilitates a chemical reaction. There are literally thousands of chemical reactions that take place every minute in our bodies involving enzyme production, the movement of nutrients in and out of our cells, digestion, and so forth. In the vast majority of cases, these reactions could simply not take place at normal body temperature or would take a long period of time. Fulvic Acid acts like a catalyst in these reactions facilitating all these processes quickly and effectively.

Dr. Eric Berg DC The 8 Benefits of Fulvic Acid

Fulvic Acid is a natural, powerful antioxidant and helps to neutralise free radicals. Free radicals are harmful, highly reactive compounds that cause the destruction of soft tissues, encouraging cell mutations, altering genes, disrupting chemical and hormonal reactions within our bodies, destroying the optimal function of our glands and thus making us more susceptible to disease. This is one of the most widely acceptable theories of ageing and disease.

When we ingest food, our digestive system, when working at optimum capacity, releases enzymes which work to break down food efficiently in order to release nutrients from food. Without these enzymes, food would not be broken down, stagnate in the stomach and gut, which would ultimately lead to toxin build-up and eventual death. Fulvic Acid activates these digestive enzymes, which are the life force of our bodies.

We are all conscious of cleansing our bodies externally and yet few pay attention to internal cleansing. Fulvic Acid is highly effective at neutralising and detoxifying harmful toxins and pollutants including heavy metals such as lead and mercury. Fulvic Acid bonds with these heavy metals, a process called ‘chelation’, and then converts them into inactive compounds, which can be eliminated through normal excretory processes.

Fulvic Acid is reported to increase oxygenation of all the soft tissues within our bodies. Oxygenating the cells is vital because it enhances energy production and counters numerous concerns. In 1931, the Nobel Prize Winner for physiology and medicine, Dr Otto Warburg established that oxygen deprivation was a major cause of cell mutation. Taking Fulvic Acid will help increase oxygenation of our cells and hopefully protect the genetic material within our cells.

Iron deficiency, the second most prevalent deficiency in the world, has been shown to be addressed quickly with the use of Fulvic Acid. Unfortunately, iron is also one of the hardest minerals to metabolise putting a great burden on the liver and yet many people take synthetic iron supplements without considering this. Fulvic Acid primes the iron within our food so that it is easily utilized by the body and hence corrects deficiencies quickly and safely. This same action helps to correct numerous mineral deficiencies including magnesium which plays a key role in over 300 biochemical reactions in our bodies.

Fulvic Acid is considered to be one of the safest and most potent anti-viral substances available today. A generally accepted benefit of Fulvic Acid is that it can be used indefinitely for long periods of time without creating resistance. The implication of using Fulvic Acid for viral infections goes well beyond simply using it for colds and flu.

When applied externally, Fulvic Acid can be used on abrasions, open cuts, wounds, leg ulcers, insect bites and numerous other skin complaints. Athlete’s foot can be avoided as Fulvic Acid displays powerful fungicidal properties and it can also be used on fungal toenails which are very difficult to eradicate using conventional drugs.

There are many reports on the positive benefits of Fulvic acid on the cardiovascular system with many reporting control of elevated blood pressure within a few weeks of using Fulvic Acid.

When it comes to holistic health, fulvic acid (with its array of benefits) aids in overall improvements . It makes your mind, body, and spirit healthy, happy, and wholesome. Life is just better when you take fulvic acid.


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