Lately I was wondering about the concept of hope. On one hand, for millions of people on the planet, if they did not have hope for a better life, they would not have the will to survive or continue to strive for a better future---for themselves and for their children. From my observations, when we take away hope from a person or a group of people, despair takes place and some form of violence usually erupts while faith is completely cut off. So in this manner, hope offers better possibilities.
On the other hand, hope can take us out of the moment. We want things to be different than they are; we don’t like what is in the now. We give power to the future rather than the present, hoping for something exterior to change things. In that manner, hope has no real value.
Faith, on the other hand, is the knowing that everything is perfect in this moment. It is surrendering to a higher force. But what about those who do not have faith, who do not understand about these spiritual concepts?> from what I’ve seen, everybody understands hope. There is no discussion about it, while faith brings about many discussions. Is it real? Who has it? What does it take to have it? But it is very difficult to tell someone when they can barely feed themselves or are suffering violence through war or any other manner that the present moment is all there is and it is perfect. Isn’t hope really a form of faith or trust?
What is faith? It is the child of trust, and trust is the outcome of one’s absolute knowing, as you state, at the quintessential core level of consciousness, that all is in divine order and that all life is eternal.
Hope is less empowered than faith, which is unconditional. It speaks of wanting to believe, whereas faith believes unequivocally.
What does it take, you ask, to have faith? To know that you do not die is a basis of it- --to master the fear of your mortality, to believe that you choose your own destiny.
I really do think that we, the people, can change things and make a huge difference in the world---women in particular, because of our kind nature.
Quote taken from Transition Now Redefining Duality 2012 and beyond Featuring Lee Carroll & Kryon, Patricia Cori & the Sirian High Council, and Pepper Lewis & Gaia Edited by Martine Vallee Chapter Twenty-six page 168-169
Copyright 2010 by martine Vallee. All rights reserved. Published under arrangement with Editions Ciel et Terre, Inc. /Heaven and Earth Publications, Inc., Outtemont,
QC, Canada. Reviewers may quote brief passages.
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